If you’ve visited your local library lately, you know it offers so much more than “just” books. Modern libraries are a place of connection, belonging, and community. Next week, from October 20-26, 2019, libraries and library partners across the country raise awareness of the valuable role libraries play in Canadians' lives.


If you’ve read my previous blog posts, you’ll know that I’ve always found solace at the library. It’s a welcoming place where you can get connected with a new passion, skill, as well as other students, parents (their kids’ programs are where it’s at!), and friends just waiting to be made in your neighbourhood.

In celebration of Ontario Public Library Week, I thought I’d share just a few of the ways libraries have impacted me in a positive way.

  1. My favourite time of day was when my dad and I would bond over a bedtime story I had chosen from my school library.
  2. As a kid recovering from open-heart surgery, when it was too cold to be outside, I found solace in my school’s library.
  3. As a teenager, when my world seemed to be falling in on itself, the library offered a quiet comfort.
  4. During those late-night/early morning feeds with my newborn, the library provided much-needed entertainment (and helped keep me awake) with the latest reads.
  5. Whether it’s a rainy day or because we need something to keep our active 5-year-old busy, the library offers a wide array of activities led by helpful and encouraging staff/volunteers.
  6. A lifelong learner, books from my local library have taught me about everything from digital marketing and psychology to taking me on whirlwind adventures and learning about the lives of those who are making an impact in the world.
  7. The feeling of connection, community, sharing ideas, learning new skills, being inspired… you can find all that – and more – at the library.

Alright, your turn! How has your local library positively impacted YOUR life?

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