In response to the Province of Ontario’s second declaration of emergency this week, Brampton Library’s Curbside Pickup services remain the same. Materials returned through our 24-hour external dropboxes located at each branch are quarantined for 72 hours before they are checked in and put back on the shelves.

For details about our Curbside Pickup hours of operation, please click here to review our Holds Pickup page.

Our Digital Library offers many ways to enjoy our services from home for free with your Brampton Library card. 

To discover our many at-home services, click here to access our Digital Library.

To quickly and easily apply for your own Brampton Library card, click here to apply for a library card online.

Service Changes Support Reducing Community Spread of COVID-19

The Province of Ontario has announced that, “A provincewide shutdown will help interrupt or slow current community transmission, reduce mobility and allow our health care and public health systems that are reaching critical limits to recover briefly and catch-up.” During this period, libraries are able to offer Curbside Pickup. Brampton Library is pleased to confirm that all 8 branch libraries will offer this service, at varying times, each week.

Effective Monday, December 28, 2020, our in-person services will be limited to contactless Curbside Pickup services only, for the duration of the province-wide shutdown. Our services will be reevaluated when these restrictions are lifted.

While our branches are closed, there are still multiple ways to access our materials and use your Library:

Curbside Pickup is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Click here for our Curbside Pickup hours of operation and instructions on how to place holds.

When you arrive, watch for our bright green signs and prepare to provide the last 4 digits of your library card. Click here to apply for your own Brampton Library card.

Even when our branches are closed, our website is open. Members can borrow free of charge a wide range of digital items that entertain and support online learning. Click here to discover our digital collections.

As this very challenging year draws to a close and we look ahead to better in 2021, Brampton Library Board members and staff extend to you our warmest holiday wishes and a happier new year!

Susan Bartoletta

Interim CEO

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