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Happy Family Literacy Day! Every year on January 27th readers across Canada come together to celebrate literacy. This year's theme, Let's Have a Family Party, encourages us to explore the wonders of reading through playful and engaging activities that bring us closer together.

Here are five (5) things you can do as a family to celebrate this special day:

1. Play a Board Game - Get ready to dive into a world of fun and learning! Borrow a board game for free with your Brampton Library card or join us at Game On programs in our branches. Board games aren’t just about rolling dice or moving pieces; think of them as secret tools for boosting literacy skills! Challenge your mind with games that spark reading comprehension, critical thinking, and problem-solving. It’s not just playtime – it’s an adventure where you’ll level up your literacy skills together.

2. Mad Gab - Are you ready for a wild word adventure? Challenge each other to crack these puzzling phrases, by decoding the phonetic riddles and unraveling the hidden meanings. Sharpen your wits, embrace the linguistic chaos, and discover the magic of cracking codes as a team. It’s a madcap literacy quest that will leave you laughing and learning!

  1. Vizit the Sly Bree
  2. Redding Tooth Her Rise Fun
  3. Burrow’s No Shows From the Bree
  4. Eye Luff Reeding Graffick Knaw Voles
  5. Sew Manny Buxo Lil Lime

(answers below)

3. Storytime Charades - Here is a fun way to bring the characters and scenes in your favourite stories to life. Challenge your family members to guess which fantastic stories you’re reimagining in this game that turns reading adventures into lively performances and makes storytelling an unforgettable experience for everyone!

4. Storytelling Relay - Imagine crafting a tale where every twist and turn is a surprise. Start with a line or an idea, then watch the magic unfold as each family member adds their unique spin. From quirky characters to unexpected plot twists, it’s a masterpiece in the making!

5. Create a Family Poetry Jam - Enjoy crafting your own rhymes or sharing poems you love. Then, gather 'round for a cozy chat, where we'll explore how these poems make us feel and what stories they tell. It's a fun way to dive into the world of words together!

Family Literacy Day is a reminder that every day offers opportunities to explore, create, and embrace the joy of practicing literacy as a family. Keep the stories alive, the words flowing, and the joy of reading and playing together alive throughout the year.

Mad Gab Answers

  1. Visit the Library
  2. Reading together is fun
  3. Borrow snowshoes from the Library
  4. I love reading graphic novels
  5. So many books, so little time

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