Pride month is finally here! It’s a great time of the year to collectively celebrate the diversity and resilience of the 2SLGBTQ+ community! As the temporary Marketing and Communications Assistant at the Brampton Library and a queer person of colour I'm thrilled to share how Brampton Library supports and celebrates Pride, including the wealth of resources we offer here.

Our diverse LGBTQ+ Collection

At Brampton Library, we pride ourselves on our extensive collection of 2SLGBTQ+ literature for your convenience. Our collection ranges from classic queer novels to contemporary works by 2SLGBTQ+ authors—our shelves are filled with stories that reflect the rich tapestry of the 2SLGBTQ+ community. Whether you’re looking for fiction, non-fiction, memoirs, or poetry, we can confidently say there’s something for everyone! 

Here are some highlights:

Fiction: Discover compelling stories that explore 2SLGBTQ+ experiences through diverse characters and settings.

Browse our fiction collection

Non-Fiction: Learn about 2SLGBTQ+ history, activism, and personal stories that inspire and educate.

Explore our non-fiction books

Children’s Books: Introduce young readers to inclusive stories that celebrate diversity and acceptance. 

Find children's books here

Events and Programs

Throughout Pride Month, we also host a variety of events and programs created with the hope of educating, entertaining, and bringing our community together. Some of these include:

The Gathering: A program that’s offered to children, youth and families, partnered with Malton Neighborhood Services. It strives to empower black individuals in a positive environment and offers open-discussions, interactive workshops, guest speakers, and educational activities that are aimed to foster a brighter future and encourage a solution-driven process when addressing the discrimination and stigma faced within the 2SLGBTQ+ community. 

Check our events calendar for The Gathering’s upcoming dates 

Rainbow Game Night: An adult game night offered at our Cyril Clark location that provides a diverse collection of games to browse from! We promise our guests a safe and inclusive space that’ll allow you to comfortably connect and foster positive connections with other queer and allied individuals within our Brampton community.

Check out our Events calendar for Rainbow Game Night’s upcoming dates 

Pride Book Club: A virtual book club to connect with queer and allied individuals to discuss promising titles from featured 2SLGBTQ+ authors and a diverse collection of 2SLGBTQ+ focused novels waiting to be discovered.

Join the waitlist for our Pride Book Club’s virtual meetings 

Digital Resources

For those who prefer digital resources, the Brampton Library offers a variety of ebooks, audiobooks, and other online features that are accessible from the comfort of your own home!

Check out our collection of e-resources

Kanopy: A streaming platform to access 2SLGBTQ+ films and documentaries that celebrate and explore queer lives and histories.

Stream your favourite LGBTQ+ films on Kanopy 

A Personal Perspective

As the temporary Marketing and Communications Assistant and a queer person of colour living in Brampton, I’ve found Brampton Library to be a sanctuary and a source of empowerment. Growing up, I often struggled to find representation in the media and literature. Working at Brampton Library has allowed me to not only discover a wealth of resources that resonate with my identity but also to help others find the same connection and understanding.

Being part of the Brampton community, I’ve seen firsthand the positive impact that access to inclusive resources can have. It’s fulfilling to witness other young readers discover books that reflect their experiences, or community members engaging in meaningful discussions during our events. The library isn’t just a place to borrow books; it’s a hub for learning, connection, and celebration.

Join Us in Celebrating Pride

This Pride Month, we invite you to explore the resources and programs Brampton Library has to offer. Whether you’re looking to educate yourself, find community, or simply enjoy a good book, the library is here to support you. Celebrate with us, and let’s continue to create a more inclusive and understanding community together.

Visit Brampton Library’s website to learn more about our Pride Month events and resources. Happy Pride!

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