Hello everyone!

April 22nd is Earth Day! What is that you might ask? Earth Day is an annual international day of environmental activism. It was started by the Earth Day Network in 1970 to raise awareness of the effects of environmental pollution. Since its founding, Earth Day has moved 1 billion people in 190 countries across the world into action against climate change. Learn more about Earth Day here

2020 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, making this Earth Day even more special than usual.The Earth Day Network was pushing even harder for a far reaching global campagne this year, with events and support registered world wide. Unfortunately because of the COVID 19 pandemic, Earth Day has had to rethink its 2020 movement. 

“The coronavirus pandemic does not shut us down. Instead, it reminds us of what’s at stake in our fight for the planet.”

However, they are not letting COVID 19 crush their spirits or thier campagne. They have moved Earth Day online

While we may not be able to participate in physical Earth Day events and gatherings, we can still join in from home. Every action counts when it comes to saving the planet. Here are some things you can start doing right now to lessen your environmental impact:

  • Turn off the lights - if you are not using a particular space in your house, turning off the lights can help conserve energy 
  • Switch to LED lights - they last longer and use much less energy than regular incandescent lights
  • Wash your clothing in cold water - this saves the energy required to heat up the water for a warm wash (and is more gentle on clothing, so you can rock your style for longer!)
  • Buy a water filtration system - instead of buying plastic water bottles, you can buy a water filtration system system and a reusable water bottle. Not only it MUCH better for the environment, but it is also more cost effective. 
  • Buy less - the less you buy, the less there is to throw out. 

These tips are only the tip(ha!) of the eco-friendly lifestyle iceberg. Did you know that you can still access library resources while we are closed? Our ebook and e-audio book collection is available online 24/7, come rain, shine, or pandemic.  If you would like to learn some more check out our ebook reading lists below. 

eBooks for the Eco-conscious Adult:

Inconspicuous Consumption : The Environmental Impact You Don't Know You Have

We Are the Weather

No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference 

Living with a green heart : how to keep your body, your home, and the planet healthy in a toxic world

Environmental consciousness can be learnt at any age!

Eco-friendly ebooks for kiddos:

The Wachter: Jane Goodall’s life with the Chimps

What a Waste: Trash, Recycling, and Protecting our Planet 

Heroes of the Environment: True Stories of People Who are Helping Protect Our Planet 

Kids Who Are Saving the Planet 

What Milly Did: The Remarkable Pioneer of Plastics Recycling

While Earth Day may only take place once a year, remember the Earth needs us all year round. No matter where you start, help do your part in protecting our planet. 

Happy Earth Day everyone!

-  Harmeen

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