Did you know that Brampton Library offers over 200,000 eBooks and eAudiobooks through cloudLibrary? With that many choices, it can be hard to decide what to borrow next.

cloudLibrary home screen on a phone

Good news: your library staff are here to help!

We are pleased to announce this : Help Me Find a Good Book. We take the stress and confusion out of searching for something to read, by creating a customized list of books that we think you’ll enjoy.

There are just four simple steps:

  1. Fill out the Help Me Find a Good Book form with as much or as little detail as you like.
  2. Wait patiently as our librarians work hard to hand-select books for you to enjoy.
  3. Receive a customized list of eBooks and eAudiobooks that we think you’ll love.
  4. Borrow, enjoy and repeat!

Make sure you have your Brampton Library Card handy- and if you don’t have one yet, follow this link to register for a library card

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