Sometimes it seems like everyone else knows how to be an adult, right? Does it feel like others are real grown ups with all these skills that you never learned in school, while you're just faking it? 

If this sounds familiar to you, you should check out Brampton Library's Adulting 101 virtual program series! We're here to help you develop all those adulting skills you wish you had and to connect you with local experts who can help you figure out how to be your best grown up self. 

We launched the Adulting 101 series in the summer of 2020 with the goal of providing relevant, exciting learning opportunities for youth aged 15–29. We host virtual sessions on topics as varied as figuring out your finances, repairing your computer and phone, research strategies, job search help, camping tips, how to be an influencer, and even how to prepare for a zombie apocalypse!

If you're interested in checking out previous Adulting 101 sessions, some of them are available to stream on our YouTube page

There's more Adulting 101 to come, so keep an eye on our calendar and follow @BramptonLibrary on social media to stay up to date!

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