I have been a member of the Brampton Library since I was in High School. During this time, I relied on eBooks to read some of my favourite fiction novels. I especially enjoyed eBooks on vacations and summer holidays. Also throughout university, I have used eLearning websites such as Lynda.com and eBooks to further understand my area of study. You could only imagine my excitement when I found out that the Brampton Library offered many more free digital resources for its members.

To become a member all you need is a library card and when you come into to any branch, the library staff can help you register for one.The membership includes access to a range of digital borrowing from eBooks, eLearning, eMusic, Television, Audiobooks and eMagazines. The Brampton Library’s focus is on providing customers with access to helpful and knowledge based resources. I need to share these resources with you because of how they have helped me. In a series of blog posts, I will explore and introduce all the digital resources that the Brampton Library offers.

girl drinking tea and browsing a website on a laptop

I like to say that knowledge is at your fingertips with eLearning resources because you get access to Lynda.com, Gale Courses and other resources where you can learn new languages, prepare for tests, and study for the Canadian Citizenship Test. You can access eLearning resources through this link here.

The Brampton Library also offers resources for on-the-go reading through an online library of eBooks and audiobooks. This is a great option if you:

  • Have a busy schedule and do not have time to come to the library
  • If you like to listen to books while you work or exercise
  • If the book you want in the library is on hold and the eBook or audiobook is available
  • Or, you prefer eBooks or audiobooks over physical books

There are many options and genres to choose from including fiction, non-fiction and children's books and stories. These can be accessed through the link here.

A wide selection of Newspapers and eMagazines can also be accessed through digital resources. You can borrow travel magazines, fashion magazines, food magazines, lifestyle magazines or whatever suits your taste. If you would like to stay up to date on news stories in your neighbourhood and internationally, you can use the online Newspapers as a resource through an application on your mobile phone or on your desktop computer. These resources can be accessed here.

Meanwhile eMusic, eMovies and TV can be indulged in during your free time or whenever you want to listen to music, watch movies and TV shows. For example, Kanopy’s platform allows for an allotted number of movies and free access to all children's films. You can access them here.

a collage of movie titles with Kanopy logo in the centre

As this series continues, I will be giving a detailed insight on all of these resources, how to use them and how to register for them using your library card.

Thank you for reading!

- Latifat

Brampton Library has been a HUGE part of my academics. Since I was a child, doing the summer reading challenges, desperately trying to get all the sticker rewards, and now, as I am working to apply for my postgraduate studies. Brampton Library, notably the Chinguacousy branch, gave me the opportunity to explore my interests and my curiosity. I was that one kid carrying a stack of books so high that you could barely see his face. I could explore whatever I was interested in, and I think this was invaluable to me in terms of breaking down boundaries. Money to buy books was no longer a restraint and this was something I valued from a young age. I can confidently say I have spent at least a 1000 hours in that library. Flash forward a bit and the Brampton Library is where I worked on my high school science projects, prepared for my IB exams, studied for the SATs, applied for university, printed out job resumes, tutored younger students, and recently studied for the MCAT.

I know that the Chinguacousy Branch means so much to people living in my neighbourhood of Knightsbridge. Growing up how I grew up but having a library so easily accessible (8 minute walk) really saved me. I made better choices in life, and I wasn't defined or limited to the realities that I knew. I'm glad my dad introduced me to the library at such a young age. As an immigrant, this luxury of the Brampton Library was so valuable to him and knowing that having access to this was a privilege that many don't have worldwide resonated with me. 

I strongly believe that there is so much to learn in this world, and the library is a sacred place to do so. A temple of knowledge if you will. It's amazing to see how the library has become more than an antique library that only caters to books, and now has embraced the rapid development of tech. I'm proud to say I've actually visited every Brampton Library, and like how they have their own unique vibe. The library represents the diversity and the potential of a community.

I am a big believer in space. The physical space you go to get whatever that might be. When I spend all day at the library, I'm motivated to work, because I recognize that this space was created for self-betterment. Every day I hope to leave know that I learnt more than the previous day. The library became where I went to grow intellectually. I would be at the library forever if they would let me (sorry for being that one person the library staff is always waiting for to leave). I actually like to take a break by playing a game where I would walk the stacks of books and pick up a random book that caught my attention and flip to any page and read for 5 minutes, and then put the book back and quickly move on to another. This may go on for 30 minutes, but by the end I have glimpsed into 5 or 6 different things and I'll get hooked on something I read earlier, I'll try to back track and feed my interest. It sounds kind of ridiculous, but it's fun just going through books at random and I can get carried away, and I think it speaks to the breadth of the collection in the Brampton Library.

If I were to offer any room for improvement, it would definitely be in the initiatives and efforts for young adults who are really trying to pursue further education. No doubt is the library amazing and revolutionary in what they do for kids, youth, immigrants, and the elderly, but I wish there were more for people like me pursuing further studies. The after hours study hall is amazing, but if it could run in the summer it would mean so much more. For a lot of situations, the weekend evenings can be a valuable study time. A lot of people who come back home from university need a space, because the summer is where you start to work on these high level exams that require utmost concentration, diligence, and require a huge time requirement. 

While studying for the medical school admissions exam, I have seen the other "regulars" studying for everything from law school, pharmacy, nursing, TOEFL, accounting, the GRE and the list goes on. These exams are HARD, and having a serious work space would be more ideal. A lot of times, studying for these is in addition to working a job, so library accessibility hours can be slim.  I believe the library is for bettering yourself, and these people are trying to do so badly, so let's help them.

Obviously with the programming flexibility some spaces are more open, but a serious silent study is very important. The old silent study in the Chinguacousy branch was my absolute favourite. It was like a pin drop silence, with actual cubicles, and there were zero distractions. The current upstairs one isn't cutting it in my opinion. You can literally hear everything from people who sit outside it, kids running around. I just want a serious study space, and I know many people feel the same.

Overall, thanks to the Brampton Library, and if my input was deemed helpful, I would be interested in further engaging with the Brampton Library in my community.

Who is Megh? Megh Rathod is a long time Brampton resident and graduate from Turner Fenton Secondary School. Now studying Honours Integrated Science at McMaster University, he credits the Brampton Library for being a big part of his success.

If you’ve visited your local library lately, you know it offers so much more than “just” books. Modern libraries are a place of connection, belonging, and community. Next week, from October 20-26, 2019, libraries and library partners across the country raise awareness of the valuable role libraries play in Canadians' lives.


If you’ve read my previous blog posts, you’ll know that I’ve always found solace at the library. It’s a welcoming place where you can get connected with a new passion, skill, as well as other students, parents (their kids’ programs are where it’s at!), and friends just waiting to be made in your neighbourhood.

In celebration of Ontario Public Library Week, I thought I’d share just a few of the ways libraries have impacted me in a positive way.

  1. My favourite time of day was when my dad and I would bond over a bedtime story I had chosen from my school library.
  2. As a kid recovering from open-heart surgery, when it was too cold to be outside, I found solace in my school’s library.
  3. As a teenager, when my world seemed to be falling in on itself, the library offered a quiet comfort.
  4. During those late-night/early morning feeds with my newborn, the library provided much-needed entertainment (and helped keep me awake) with the latest reads.
  5. Whether it’s a rainy day or because we need something to keep our active 5-year-old busy, the library offers a wide array of activities led by helpful and encouraging staff/volunteers.
  6. A lifelong learner, books from my local library have taught me about everything from digital marketing and psychology to taking me on whirlwind adventures and learning about the lives of those who are making an impact in the world.
  7. The feeling of connection, community, sharing ideas, learning new skills, being inspired… you can find all that – and more – at the library.

Alright, your turn! How has your local library positively impacted YOUR life?

Tech Fair is an annual event held at Brampton Library’s Chinguacousy Branch. It showcases different types of technology from all over Brampton and the GTA. Tech Fair offers in-person and direct access to exhibitors in the ever-evolving field of technology. If you are curious about technology or if you are a tech lover, this event will satisfy your curiosity and further motivate you to appreciate and explore the technology in your everyday life, now and in the future.

Tech Fair 2019 welcomed numerous exhibitors with captivating and entertaining showcases of technology. These included:

  • STEM programs and coding camps for children
  • Virtual reality gaming
  • Electricity generated from pumpkins
  • A dancing robot with gaming capabilities and many other features
  • Real time 3-D Printing and displays
  • Blockchain
  • Sensors
  • Hemp used as an alternative to plastic and building products to tackle sustainability
  • The science of radio
  • How the peel police department uses drone technology to save lives
  • Scientific experiments and static energy
  • Light displays

Areas where technology can be used to solve problems include healthcare, sustainability, accessibility and many more fields. The exhibitors at tech fair played a key role in showcasing how they use the innovative technology in their industries to solve these problems.   

Highlights of the event included networking, interacting with the showcases, learning about new and emerging technologies, as well as being in an environment filled with motivated, game changing and inspiring individuals.

Attracting about 2,000 attendees per year, there is no doubt that this event is a great opportunity for tech lovers and people of all ages and backgrounds to observe, learn and experience the ever changing field of technology and how our community has been contributing to the advancement of it. Stay tuned for Tech Fair 2020!


Brampton Library is excited to launch its new South West Branch in the fast-growing Embleton neighbourhood. Our new location in the Lionhead Marketplace offers ‘one-stop shopping’ with surrounding retail, banking and food options. Parents and caregivers will enjoy the early literacy programs available for children from birth to age six as Bridgeway/EarlyON Child and Family Centre will be offering many programs at this branch.

At this exciting new branch you can expect to borrow new fiction, non-fiction, children’s books, magazines, DVD’s, GoPro kits, Launchpads and many other resources. Library staff will be happy to share many more benefits of library membership including eBooks, Audiobooks and eLearning. 

This is your space for upgrading skills and qualifications using the resources we offer. Brampton Library offers free programs and services including our digital resources, with some exceptions. 

Sneak peek of the construction happening inside the South West branch.

Explore convenient and efficient library service in our newest location at 8405 Financial Drive near Mississauga Road. We cannot wait to welcome you to our new branch in the Lionhead Marketplace when it opens later this year. 

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